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Find Out What Your Cousins Know

Last night I received an unexpected phone call. The woman at the other end of the line identified herself as one of my mother’s Mattila cousins.

My mom had spoken of this cousin, and we even have her high school picture. But we lost contact with her and her one surviving sibling after the parents divorced many years ago.

Now another relative has put her in touch with me to get a little information about our shared family history. I am always happy to share what I know, and that is why my family trees are posted on the website. I hope my new-found cousin and I will correspond in the future and make discoveries together, as I do with other cousins on other branches of my family tree.

A wise genealogist once told me that I should never stop writing to cousins. Different information flows down different family lines. We can put together complete family pictures only when we all share our information and stories. I am looking forward to learning more about the Mattila family from the lady who reached out to me last night.

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